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About Me

Class: 2019

Major: Sociology

Hometown: Chicago

Over my three years at Middlebury, I have been Co-President of the Black Student Union, a member of Poor Form Poetry, a student member of the Community Judicial Board, an opinion editor for The Campus newspaper, a volunteer at Mary Hogan with EverybodyWins! VT, a barista at Crossroads Café, a student intern at the Anderson Freeman Resource Center, a monitor at the Chellis House, an Oratory Now coach, and a tour guide with Admissions


I believe that I can best serve Middlebury as your SGA President. Through these activities, I have formed connections and gained experiences that will best equip me throughout my tenure.


It would be an honor to serve as the first Black SGA President. I look forward to continue making Middlebury more accessible to all students. I want to recognize the effort and hard work of past presidents, without them I would not be running. If elected, I plan to continue to make SGA a prominent resource for students. 



for SGA President 

Main Goals

To make Middlebury more accessible for all students. 


To encourage students to go beyond the campus and see all Vermont has to offer.


To help Middlebury become a place where people feel comfortable making it their own.


To create programs that will serve to benefit current and future students.



Social Life 

We have the potential to improve social life for all students. Whether it be increasing the types of events or avenues for recreation, I believe we can create a more lively social environment.


  • Explore the role of social houses and widen their impact.

  • Improve and increase activities for students who do not wish to drink.

  • Reevaluate the relationship student organizations and teams have with public safety to foster a safer culture and awareness for parties. 


Communication & Transparency 

Student/SGA Communication 


How can we continue to improve communication between students and the SGA?  


  • Understand how students prefer to receive information and updates, then use this to inform communication.


Student/Faculty Communication 


How can SGA communicate student grievances to faculty in a way they all receive the message? While professors realize some obstacles that affect students' academic lives, there are other issues that affect a major part of the student body that are not as obvious. From text books to working multiple jobs, there are issues that are not as addressed. 


  • Attend faculty meetings with the goal of communicating widespread obstacles. 

Diversity &


Over the past few years, diversity and inclusion has taken center stage in Middlebury's discussions. 


  • Create a proactive, ongoing relationship with cultural orgs.

  • Host monthly meetings/office hours for groups to either bring ideas or express issues they have.

  • Form a caucus of students comprised all years, multiple teams and student orgs. 

College St. and Beyond

How can we improve relations with the town and those who do not fall into the general 18-24 age group? 


  • Actively support and promote these initiatives that encourage students to realize Middlebury College is not all Vermont has to offer. 

  • Creating a program that provides the community and students opportunities to get to know each other. 


Middlebury's campus and the "Middlebury Experience" are far from accessible. What can we improve to make Middlebury feel like a home to all students. 


  • Work with administration to create a concrete plan to make sure those with physical disabilities can navigate campus.

  • Work with Public Safety to provide rides to Porter Hospital for those who need it. 

  • Expand funding and knowledge of programs for students who come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. 



Will be updated regularly!

Hannah Pustejovsky '18

Throughout my time on the SGA, as junior and senior class senator, I have had the privilege of working with incredible SGA presidents. Each president brought a wealth of passion and engagement to their position. I have had the pleasure to see firsthand that Nia has this exact same determination. Nia is the kind of person who can change the atmosphere of the whole room just by bringing a smile to everyone's faces. If you read her weekly column in the Campus, you know that her sharp wit has led her to ask the kinds of questions we should be asking ourselves as a campus. I am endorsing Nia as the next SGA president because I have seen how she can connect people across divides. Nia is a friend and a hard worker and we need community now more than ever. For Nia, inclusion isn't just a buzzword, it's how she makes every single person she meets feel welcome and accepted. There is no one on this campus better suited to be the next SGA president. 

Travis Wayne Sanderson '19

The first time I encountered Nia Robinson on campus was at a poetry reading late on a Saturday night. She was reading "We Could Be Cousins," a poem after Nate Marshall. I was blown away by her passion. As time went on, I kept hearing Nia's name in the context of every part of campus, from Black Student Union to Judicial Board to the Campus. Everyone who knew her talked about her with great respect, and it was apparent she was a student leader that touched the lives of many separate people and constituencies on campus. I remained in quiet awe until I finally had the opportunity to meet her, and confirmed that she was indeed the deep-thinking community member she appeared to be. Someone with the range of experiences that Nia possesses is more than the best fit for the new SGA President. I am excited for her to lead our student government another step in the right direction.

Josh Claxton '18

I have served on the editorial board for The Campus, the college newspaper, for the past year with Nia Robinson. The board is divided by section, and Nia and I work on the Opinion team together. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with her. As an organization that strives to be the voice for all students and capture authentic narratives, Nia’s connections and experiences in various spheres of campus have been indispensable. Her dedication to improving Middlebury for all students is evident in every aspect of her work. She is deeply committed to making Middlebury a more social, diverse, transparent, and accessible place. Further, she is more than her values and vision. Nia has the ability to lead, listen and execute. Her leadership abilities and insight guided our editorial board through many complicated conversations. Nia’s thoughtful, clear and intelligent ideas and arguments always resonated as we discussed editorials, particularly around topics of inclusion on campus. She is also really kind and funny! With all of this in mind, I believe that Nia is the best candidate for SGA President. This is my endorsement.

Charlie Cacciatore '20

A little over a year ago, I joined a group of students on an alternative Spring Break trip to Washington, D.C. through the Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life. One of the greatest takeaways from that trip is that I met Nia Robinson. I was immediately impressed with her positive outlook on life and her ability to include others in discussion and activities. Most importantly, in those moments when she sensed that I disagreed with her about a particular issue, she encouraged me to share my thoughts: not to respond or debate, but to listen and understand. Nia is an effective communicator, as well. This past January, I was figuratively glued to my computer screen watching her TEDx Talk, “We Are Not As Lost As We Think We Are.” Although I was not in the room, I could sense the audience’s captivation. Nia’s skill as an orator reflects an understanding of how to connect with people through a particular story or message. It is an honor and a pleasure to endorse Nia Robinson for President of the Student Government Association of Middlebury College. She is an outstanding role model and a friend to many.

Alexis Levato '19

I think Nia is the perfect example of an engaging community leader. She can listen to others, quickly understand the issues that they are facing and ask the important questions that will lead to effective solutions. Nia is someone who will vocalize what students are feeling: her vast network of friends through student organizations allows her to remain in touch with precisely what students need. Her relationship with faculty and staff has laid a foundation for communication that will allow seamless cooperation between administrators and SGA. I wholly believe that Nia has worked hard to meet her own goals and pushed our community to do the same. She does this anywhere and everywhere because she believes thoroughly in the change she is enacting. I do too.

Laura Dillon '19 on behalf of Tavern Social House

Nia has been a valued member of Tavern Social House since last spring. She has contributed immensely to the house’s community through her trustworthiness, inclusiveness, and the way she treats everyone she encounters with a profound sense of respect. These qualities are far from just abstract concepts to Nia; everyone in Tavern has experienced the way she actually lives out these values in her daily life. Nia also served on our executive board as the alumni coordinator this fall and j-term and carried out this job with accountability and initiative. Nia is passionate about the activities and communities to which she commits herself; this passion combined with her approachability and positivity makes her more than qualified to carry out the responsibilities of SGA president. Her determined nature and incredibly effective communication skills are enough to inspire anyone to action and change, which is exactly what we need at Middlebury right now. As the president of Tavern and someone deeply invested in the future of our Middlebury community, I couldn’t be happier to see Nia run and to endorse her for SGA president.

Kyle Wright '19.5

I am incredibly proud to support and endorse Nia Robinson for President of the SGA. Throughout her time at Middlebury, Nia has consistently demonstrated her ability to lead with poise, direction, and compassion. Her outstanding involvement with cultural organizations, volunteer groups, as a student journalist, as a poet and speaker, and as a student employee - as well as through a myriad of other commitments - has demonstrated to me and so many others her unique ability to transform Middlebury College for the better. Her demonstrated commitments to accessibility, diversity, and a more vibrant community are unrivaled. After having served on SGA and Community Council for two years and having worked along side Nia in several capacities, I am confident that she is the only candidate who will bring the fresh and inspired leadership we need to the SGA.

Tabitha Mueller '18

I met Nia at the start of my sophomore year, and what immediately struck me was her drive, passion, and energy. Throughout that year, as I listened to her poetry, had the honor of competing against her in the Parker Merrill Speech Contest, and watched her demand more from this community, I witnessed the way that her voice inspired and enacted change on campus. In the two years since our first meeting, I have also been impressed with Nia’s dedication to the Middlebury College community, ability to communicate with individuals from vastly different backgrounds, and commitment to raising awareness of issues that many others would shy away from discussing. Her roles as Co-President of the Black Student Union, a member of the Community Judicial Board, and an Opinions Editor for The Campus display her leadership skills as well as her deep commitment to listen to the voices around her and share them in whatever capacity that she can. For these reasons, I am thrilled to endorse Nia Robinson for SGA President.



Meet Me in Person!

Where: Crossroads Café


When: Tuesday, April 10th & Monday, April 16th 7-9pm


Why: Come learn about my platform, who I am, and why I am best suited to be your SGA President. 

Questions, Comments,

and Concerns

Contact Information


Facebook Messenger: Nia Robinson 

Remember to vote April 19th!

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